EventQuip was thrilled to install a 25m x 25m for the delivery of the first new model of the next-gen Chinook Helicopter model MH-47G Block II
At EventQuip we have opportunities to be involved with some pretty spectacular world events, launches & breath-taking locations. It goes without saying that it was an honor to support the celebration of the arrival of this state of the art Chinook.
The Ask
Create a sheltered & spacious tented area for 100 Boeing executives from across the nation to safely gather for this auspicious event.
The Solution
To create the atmosphere, we installed a 25m x 25m Structure tent with an 8’x20’ stage. This allotted a luxurious 64 sq ft per guest- enough room for every chair to be distanced- 6 feet front to back and side to side. Our staff was badged in by security, temperatures taken, a verbal questionnaire, and masked at all times on campus. The installation was in a parking lot with a problematic amount of utilities underground so it was determined the tent would be secured with 4000lb concrete walls. The project was installed in a single day and removed in a single day to minimize any interruption to the flow of business.
Although we feel this Losberger DeBoer structure is awe-striking unto itself… standing next to the MH-47G Block II just makes us look cool. Hats off to this incredible Boeing achievement and what it will contribute to future missions.
Here is a bit more information on the Chinook and its incredible capabilities…
To safely and effectively accomplish critical future missions, soldiers must have next-generation heavy-lift capabilities. H-47 Chinook Block II is the only way to rapidly and affordably achieve that goal.

The program also supports an essential industrial base, allowing key suppliers within the aerospace sector to remain productive while safeguarding American jobs. With more than 950 Chinooks in 20 countries, the program continues to deliver unrivaled production, maintenance, and sustainment cost efficiencies.
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